
Dear Participant,

You have enrolled yourself for Quiz aiming your Self Assessment for your "e-Course for ENGINEERS" Module. Here are the questions to assess yourself. Results will be made known only to you and our project's assessors, who will keep all your information and results at utmost confidential and never share them with third parties.

Thank you for your participation!

The e-BL Project Team

1. What can you do to motivate your RESEARCHERS?

a) I determine the needs and expectations of the RESEARCHERS
b) I ensure that the goals are shared in detail
c) I try the reward reinforcement method
d) All of the above

2. What should be the cultural and design information content that an art mentor should have?

a) Judgmental attitude
b) Determining the roles to be assumed
c) Dictatorial style
d) Taking initiative regarding the decisions of the RESEARCHERS

3. What should not be the mentor's point of view towards the student in an environment of cultural differences?

a) It is my priority to determine the teaching method that takes students' different perspectives into account
b) I pay attention to learner-centered education
c) Cultural interaction is not important
d) I pay attention to the relationship between cultural identity and learning

4. What does structured mentoring mean to you?

a) Organized by a specific organization for a specific purpose and duration
b) Preparation and orientation don't matter
c) Mandatory attendance is available
d) Does not require special knowledge

5. Which is true about e-mentoring?

a) Mentoring practice independent from time and place
b) It refers to mutual benefit exchange between mentor and mentee
c) It includes actions such as giving advice, modeling and encouragement
d) All of the above

6. The approach of a mentoring relationship should be?

a) Very informal
b) Holistic
c) Strictly professional
d) Technical

7. Passion, which links to motivation, is?

a) Found
b) Granted with no effort
c) Developed
d) Discovered

8. How can you foster intrinsic motivation?

a) Provoking curiosity
b) Reading aloud for your mentee
c) Proposing easy activities
d) Never explain the function of proposed activities

9. Analysing the strengths and weaknesses of an existing product, allows to collect useful information of the critical points to improve and the ones to value in a new product concept. This corresponds to?

a) Competition analysis
b) Product analysis
c) Storytelling
d) Market analysis

10. Which of the following items are NOT essential to well structured a design briefing, the right way to ensure the success of any planning?

a) The profile of the consumer
b) Profile of the company / brand
c) Ergonomic aspects of the product idea
d) Collour pallets

11. To assure a good and long-lasting relationships between mentor and mente, the mentor needs to be sure that:

a) There’s a mutual and equaly time availability from mentor and mentee
b) There’s an intrinsic motivation from both parts of the mentoring relationship
c) RESEARCHERS stick to their objectives independetely of a vision
d) The added value of the relationship should be unilateral and stronger from mentor to mentee

12. How to motivate your RESEARCHERS?

a) Encourage your RESEARCHERS to set an achievable goal
b) Set a realistic timeline
c) Show your RESEARCHERS you care through your actions and keep your RESEARCHERS in mind for different opportunities
d) All the answers listed above

13. Do RESEARCHERS must obtain a certificate?

a) Certificates can be given to the RESEARCHERS to motivate them
b) Certificates can’t be given to the RESEARCHERS
c) It is obligatory to give Certificates to the RESEARCHERS
d) It is obligatory to give Certificates to the RESEARCHERS approved by the organization

14. What are characteristics of a multicultural mentor?

a) Sensitivity to his/her own and other people’s cultures, cultural empathy, curiosity and awareness
b) Contextual sensitivity and understanding, semantic awareness
c) Multilingual skills and ability to switch among cultural frames of reference and modes of communication
d) All the answers listed above

15. Which is a good technique when meeting your mentee?

a) Looking for a common ground and using eye contact
b) Be reserved
c) Only listening and no feedback
d) Phone contact only because mentor has no time to face-to-face meeting

16. All of these are qualities you need as a mentor except?

a) Patience
b) Empathy
c) Arogance
d) Persistence

17. Are you willing and able to share your knowledge and expertise?

a) I will see when I meet the mentee
b) I don’t mind sharing what I know, but I’m not very good at communicating it to others
c) I prefer to not give away my expertise for free
d) Absolutely. I enjoy helping others learn

18. Art means:

a) Hobby
b) Income tool
c) Creative skill and imagination
d) All of above

19. What is clay, which is the main ingredient of ceramic?

a) Clay is a type of mineral naturally derived
b) It is a fine-grained soil material that can be processed when moistened
c) The chemical composition of clay varies according to the main mineral content and firing conditions
d) All of the above

20. What is glazing process?

a) It is used for producing complex shaped products
b) It varies according to usage area and prescription
c) It is the process of removing the physical water in the mud at around 100 °C
d) It is made to give the ceramic product aesthetic appearance and hygiene

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